Some COVID-19 Resources
Using Your Phone in an Emergency
Posting Your Services on Social Media
Social Teaching On Vaccinations
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
FEMA has announced a funeral expense help fund for people who have lost loved ones to COVID-19.
With the outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States and around the world being classified as a pandemic, congregations and houses of worship need to be well-informed and well-prepared. We have developed resources that offer guidance as we minister to and engage with each other, and within our communities, as the body of Christ.
Many resources can be found at,
including "How to Stream Your Worship Service".
Also, for information about Disaster Preparedness and Response in the Pacific Northwest. Specifically, this means Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana: ELCA Preparedness and Response, Region 1
For ongoing updates, including electronic bulletins, contact Dave Brauer-Rieke, Consultant for Region 1 Lutheran Disaster Preparedness & Response
[email protected]
These may be helpful for your continued worship and service:
From Rev. Shelley Wickstrom:
- The Red Cross has several free mobile apps for critical information and support in emergency situations, including one for weather and emergency alerts, and another on first aid for common emergencies.
- Another helpful guide, "Utilizing Your Smartphone as an Emergency Preparedness Resource", was made to explain the emergency features most smartphones have, and how to use your phone in an emergency without interrupting first responder efforts. It also lists what to have on your phone in case of emergency, including a modern day emergency kit, saved photos of important documents, and trusted emergency apps.
Posting Your Services on Social Media
- In an article posted on May 22, 2020, One License provided best practices for posting services on social media.
- This short list, found here, addresses topics such as where to include copyright and licensing information in your video.
Social Teaching On Vaccinations
- If you would like to see talking points from the ELCA regarding vaccinations, please see this document.
- If you would like to read the ELCA social statement on health, healing, and health care, please click here.
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
FEMA has announced a funeral expense help fund for people who have lost loved ones to COVID-19.
- Pastors and congregations are an excellent avenue for getting the word out and serving church and community members who have suffered COVID deaths.
- There are lots of scams out around this offering. It is easy to imagine how people who have suffered losses would be easy targets. So, information and facts would seem helpful here. FEMA, once they get started, will offer a toll free number for people who wish to apply. They will not be calling people who have suffered losses, and they will not be taking applications online. This is for the safety of the public.
With the outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States and around the world being classified as a pandemic, congregations and houses of worship need to be well-informed and well-prepared. We have developed resources that offer guidance as we minister to and engage with each other, and within our communities, as the body of Christ.
Many resources can be found at,
including "How to Stream Your Worship Service".
Also, for information about Disaster Preparedness and Response in the Pacific Northwest. Specifically, this means Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana: ELCA Preparedness and Response, Region 1
For ongoing updates, including electronic bulletins, contact Dave Brauer-Rieke, Consultant for Region 1 Lutheran Disaster Preparedness & Response
[email protected]
These may be helpful for your continued worship and service:
- Tracking Online Worship Attendance - ELCA
- How to stream your worship service - ELCA
- Eucharistic Practices During the Pandemic
Theological and pastoral rationales and perspectives on what it means for congregations to have diverse communion practices. It also examines critical needs and relevant theological commitments that inform congregational approaches. This rich conversation among pastors and theologians was convened by Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago and the Metro Chicago Synod. - Essential Communication Decision Tree
- Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns
- Prayers for Times of Public Health Concern: COVID-19/Coronavirus
- Congregational Planning Checklist for Public Health Concerns
- How to stream your worship service — A starter guide
- Update and Resources on COVID-19-related Benefits for ELCA Congregations, Synods, Other Ministries and their Employees
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act - UCC Update
- Summary of Cares Act Provisions
- Martin Luther on Living in a Pandemic
- Advanced Planning in the Time of COVID-19 - Video
- CARES Act - Borrower Paycheck Protection Program Application [Churches are eligible.]
- Mission Investment Fund and ELCA Federal Credit Union are offering special assistance
during the COVID-19 pandemic - Innovation For Times Like This - Rev. Lisa Smith Fiegel, Director for Evangelical Mission
- Spiritual First Aid is the first disaster spiritual and emotional care intervention to have been built from the ground up using both biblical wisdom and evidence-informed psychological insights gained from years of scientific study. This manual will equip you to use Spiritual First Aid’s easy-to-use BLESS Method, which takes the “guesswork” out of providing disaster, spiritual, and emotional care remotely and while staying at home.
From Rev. Shelley Wickstrom:
- On the Possibility of Gathering for Worship While in a Pandemic
- Considerations for Returning to In-Person Worship
- Teleconference with Dr. Anne Zink, Chief Medical Officer, State of Alaska
- A Pandemic and the Agile Church: Spirit-Led Innovation in an Uncertain Age
- Financial concerns while sheltering in place