Call Process
Calling a pastor can be a special time for reflection, assessment and growth in the life of a congregation. This time of transition is an opportunity for the Congregation Council to lead by example, through mutual encouragement, trust in God, unity and spiritual growth. Prayer, Bible study, and regular devotions keep the leadership spiritually centered as it guides the congregation in assessing the current congregational strengths and weaknesses, creating a vision for mission and ministry, and calling a new pastor. |

call_process_one_page_summary_2024.pdf |
The Call Process Manual
Letter of Agreement for Interim Pastoral Ministry
The Vocation of First Call Congregations
Letter of Agreement for Interim Pastoral Ministry
The Vocation of First Call Congregations
Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Leaders (pdf)
Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Leaders (Word)
Salary Compensation Worksheet for Rostered Leaders (Excel)
Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Leaders (Word)
Salary Compensation Worksheet for Rostered Leaders (Excel)
The First Call Theological Education is an educational retreat for rostered ministers in Region 1 of the ELCA who are in the first three years of their first call. The topic and the speakers differ each year. They include time for social networking, too. The cost to the congregation is $600 for all expenses each year. Information will be emailed directly to each first call pastor and deacon in our synod each fall.