A table is a place to be fed, but it's a whole lot more. A table is a place to share highs and lows, to make plans, to dream and to hope. The point of gathering at a table is that we do these things together.
We're setting a new table in the Alaska Synod. It's called the Alaska Synod Mission Table. It's a diverse group of lay and clergy that gather for conversation and planning on how this synod lives out God's mission. We listen, encourage and support congregations in all areas of mission.
Installation of the Alaska Synod Mission Table at Synod Assembly, 2014
The Alaska Synod Mission table works in three main areas:
- New starts: this is the place for dreaming and planning new mission starts in Alaska. We're keeping our eyes and hearts open to how God might be calling us in the Alaska Synod into new and creative ministries.
- Renewal: All congregations need renewal! We are here to work with congregations on mission planning and mission strategy. We have resources to share on outreach, evangelism and leadership development.
- Stewardship: Our response to God's goodness comes in sharing time, talent and treasure. But sometimes other things get in the way. We offer resources and coaching to help congregations work on the faith practice of giving.
Where is your place at the table? How can you be part of this exciting new dimension of the Alaska synod?
- Pray for the leaders of the synod, pastors and congregations and the work of the mission table.
- Share resources you have on mission and stewardship; call us when you need ideas.
- Create your congregation's mission plan and tell us about it.
- Invite one of us to your congregation for mission planning or stewardship resourcing.
- Listen for where God is already at work and where a new mission start may arise.
- Read more about missional theology (see resources below).
- Join the mission table, or help us work on a short-term project.